#Code is a business unit of the Wernher von Braun Center for Advanced Research, responsible for the development of complete systems (from concept to full-scale implementation and operational follow-up).
Some successful cases include solutions developed for Transport Agencies, in particular the São Paulo State Government, Electronic Invoice System linked to IoT Solutions, Fleetcor / Sem Parar Authorized Services Operator and Mobility as a Service Systems (MaaS Twin) for Denso (Japan and the United States), a company of the Toyota Group.
These systems move together billions of events under a structural integration model in a secure way (from data collection media to cloud application) in a fully interoperable way between dozens of actors involved from the supply of inputs to field operations. This innovation model adopted by the von Braun Center has already generated more than US$5 billion in value for our customers.
We are specialists in the development of complex advanced systems in a complete way, with the development of mobile apps or other tools for the collection of information and user interface, processing of data in the system, registration and consultation in cloud systems and meaning of the information through informative dashboards or even through Artificial Intelligence.
In addition to providing the solutions, von Braun operates some of these systems for its Clients, significantly reducing and multiplying their operations according to a detailed audit model (+ 50 TB of information in the cloud). Our mission is to assist in the digital transformation of companies through the development of advanced, innovative and disruptive systems, thus enabling our country to reach new technological levels.